20 Tinder Dates That Went Horribly Wrong

Online dating is a difficult and sometimes dangerous undertaking. Thankfully, Apps like Tinder have revolutionized and simplified the process and taken out a lot of the overcomplicated minutiae of the online dating process.

Ultimately though, a blind date is still a blind date: whether or not you enter into it on your phone or through a mutual friend. And not all blind dates go well. Most of them, like these 20, end up being the subject of funny anecdotes for the future…


One man, despite the fact that he was already dating a lovely girl at the time, decided he'd like to try Tinder. Now, whether this was in order to score a little something on the side or simply overcomplicate his life, we may never know. What de do know, is that one of his girlfriend's acquaintances recognized him on the app and told her about it. She made a fake account and they agreed to meet up. You can imagine his surprise and dismay when she showed for the date.

Not the Same Girl

In one crazy scenario, a Twitter user had a completely different person show up for his date. It wasn't as if she had just taken her picture from a strange angle or with clever lighting, no, this person was a completely different girl. What's even stranger, was that she knew everything about their previous conversation, so it was clear she was the one messaging him. I call false advertising…

On the Balcony

26-year-old Warriena Wright of Australia was on a Tinder date when she fell to her death off of her date's balcony. What's worse, was that her date, Gable Tostee, had tried forcing himself upon her and told her she couldn't leave minutes before she tried climbing her way off the balcony to escape. Unfortunately, she lost her footing and fell 14 stories to her death. And you thought your last date was bad!

Second Chance

One fledgling Tinder user got matched with what she considered a really cute guy who just happened to live a couple of blocks away from her. They met up at his house and soon he began acting strange. As it turned out, the man had been matched on Tinder a few weeks earlier with one of her friends and it had ended badly, so he'd stalked her in order to find out what was going on with her friend. That's taking stalking to the next level…

All Tied Up

Sometimes a date can go really well. For one lucky Tinder fella, he and a beautiful Indian girl met up, hooked up, and even ended up spending the night together. Everything was going fine until he realized that she had tied his ankles together with an elastic band and hidden his clothes. She then insisted that they spend the day together, which of course he had to do…since she decided when he was allowed to leave.


This story comes from a girl who, as it happens, was just one of many. The fellow she swiped right on had invited her out to a bar to watch a band play and grab a drink. It was only when she got there and he didn't show that she realized, the band was his and he had invited three other girls to watch him play as well. As if that weren't bad enough, he chastised her as she left for being so rude…

Cheap Ass

"I met up with my Tinder date at a coffee shop. I ordered a latte, while he ordered a coffee and six appetizers…" it sounds like it's the beginning of a very solid first date, and of course it gets worse. The girl didn't take any of the appetizers, even though he offered and when the bill came, he asked her to split it. She declined, stating that she hadn't eaten any of the almost $100 worth of food. "So?" he replied. "That was your decision…" The girl left a tenner for the coffee and left.

Overnight Bag

You really never know who you're gonna meet on the internet. When this girl met her Tinder date at the park and saw he was carrying a really big backpack, she worried that he may have assumed something might "happen" and brought an overnight bag just in case. She couldn't have been more wrong. The backpack was full of dozens of really creepy stuffed monkey animals. Then he said, "They all sleep in my bed. Every night. Just like you can…" The date did not continue…

No Risks

This Asian fellow got matched up on Tinder with a white girl whose profile made it very clear that she was ONLY looking for Asian males. He wouldn't normally have been someone with a racial preference but decided that in lieu of everything else about her, which seemed cool, he'd give it a chance. They went to a Korean restaurant where she proceeded to try nothing and order the chicken fingers. She was a picky eater and didn't like Asian cuisine.

Momma's Boy

Lori Zalabak of California had been on Tinder a while when she decided she was going to respond to an extremely aggressive, vulgar, and insulting response from a guy she refused to answer in regards to the size of her boobs. She soon found out the man's name and sent his very disrespectful response to the one person he'd never want to see it: his mother. Hopefully she'll give him a stern talking to about respect towards women…

Wipe Out

There's nothing worse than a cheap date, especially one who makes you drive about 100 km to meet up. Now this man had been chatting with his Tinder date for over a month, so he was really excited to meet her. They had a great date, ate dinner, and right before the check came, she went to the toilet: a pretty standard move. Problem was, she never came back from the toilet and he was stuck with the bill and a pretty expensive trip for no good reason.

Awkward Match

Tinder has a lot of people on it, so statistically, you're gonna run into someone you know sooner or later. One user was on Tinder during his family's 4th of July BBQ when he saw his female cousin on his screen. As a joke he clicked YES and the awkward situation was never discussed again. There are also plenty of tales of people meeting up with distant relatives over the app as well…

80 Messages

One of the reasons that Tinder works is the anonymity it allows for. In general, you don't have to exchange real phone numbers, but every so often you'll hit it off and want to share. One Tinder user gave a girl his number on a whim and everything was fine…until they met up in person. Once the date was over, the girl proceeded to send 80 texts, about 10 calls and a couple of VMs, over the course of 2 hours. The overall tone was one of desperation and pleading with him to move in with her and her Dad because she's suicidal and he needed to take care of her.

Sick Date Bro

In 2013 a young man hit it off with a young lady on Tinder and invited her out drinking with him and his friends. Not only was the girl 40 or so pounds heavier than she was in her profile photo, but she was already three sheets to the wind even before their night of drinking began. She was throwing up by 10 pm and ended up puking on his bed throughout the night. When he woke up in the morning, she was gone without a word…

Textbook Example

Sometimes a date is doomed from the start. Everyone puts their best face forward on Tinder, or they should anyway. But that doesn't always mean they are going to be the same person when you meet them. "She said she was voting for Ben Carson. She called her father 'Daddy'. She made me sit through an entire Joe Jonas song…" was how one man's Tinder date started. It ended when she ended up making out with another guy at the bar and going home with another.

Mad Crazy Date

It's not always the first date that's bad. Sometimes the first and second dates are excellent. For one unfortunate Tinder user it was the third date that was the "charm." The girl he was out with was sitting placidly in his truck when all of a sudden she threw her phone out and began muttering to herself about how she didn't want any attachment to material possessions. It eventually ended with the police having to take her away…

Time Out

The guy's name was Bobby and he seemed too good to be true: not an unusual thing on Tinder incidentally. From the start, things were going great. Their first date at his place ended with the two of them making love and spending the night together. The only thing that could have ruined it though, was the bright red stain on his expensive Egyptian cotton sheets and white comforter the next day.

A Real Crack-Up

Sometimes people just click from the get-go. One female Tinder user was certain the man she'd met was going to end up being boyfriend material for sure. That is, until they met up for the first date and he came to her car holding a sandwich-sized bag half full of what looked like broken glass. The guy had brought Crack on their date. She politely declined and left the date as soon as she got her first opportunity…

Party Crasher

When a Tinder user met up with a girl in the city in order to see a show, he thought things would go off without a hitch. He went to the bathroom and when he returned, his date had found a bachelorette party, drank her fill, and was now so drunk that she couldn't stand up. Hey skipped the show and she ended up staying in his bed while he slept on the floor in the dead of winter. They did not meet up for a second date.

Confession of Love

Bad dates happen, it's a fact of life, but one Tinder user was so dismayed by the way her date was going that she decided she needed to get the Hell outta there: too bad that only made things worse. She met her Tinder match and went to his place when he confessed that he was a virgin. It was fine, but he also seemed to be a bit too handsy and not so great of a kisser. She decided to get up and go but as she left he told her "I love you…I mean I love your body!" Definitely couldn't have been more awkward.

Jennifer Grey

Hey there! I'm Jennifer, your go-to writer for all things parenting.

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