19 Easy Hacks For Your Body That Will Make Your Life Better!

As everyone learns as they get older, there's a LOT that can go wrong with your body. And while some issues are serious and likely require medical attention, many problems can be solved with somewhat unlikely remedies. Without a lot of expense or effort, the life hacks listed here can fix many of the annoying day-to-day issues we face. In fact, as you read through this list, you might not have even realized that you're bothered by some of these things.

No worries, though! If you stick to the solutions listed, you'll be able to work your way through lots of common body-related annoyances and get back to doing…something more fun.

Brain Freeze

Press your tongue to the roof of your mouth for instant relief. Cover as much area as you can. That should warm up the sensitive area and eliminate the pain.

Preventing Hangovers

Take a B-complex vitamin and folic acid before a big night out. And, of course, drink as much water as you can over the course of the evening.

Reducing Burning Around the Eyes

This can often come when you're holding back tears. Look around and name the objects you see around you. It will distract you and get you past the physical resposne you're on the verge of.

Using Biological Clues to Catch Someone Lying

Pay attention to the speed and pitch of a person's voice. If they're lying, they both will change. They will also possibly stutter and tend to avoid eye contact. Crossed arms are another giveaway, too.

Hold Your Breath Longer

Hyperventilate before holding your breath. It will allow you to hold your breath comfortably for at least ten seconds longer than you would otherwise.

Lose a Headache

Pull on the middle of your ear, not the lobe. Rubbing your temples doesn't actually do anything, but stimulating your ear can move fluids through your head, reducing pain.

Adjusting to a Bright Room

Keep one eye closed when met with a bright evnironment. It will reduce discomfort and allow you to transition back to night vision quicker if the lights are going out again soon.

Swallowing Big Pills

Take a sip of water, pop the pill in, then tip your head FORWARD to swallow. You'll get the hang of it quickly and be able to take down any pill you need to.

That "Pins and Needles" Feeling

Don't shake if this happens to you! Rather, slowly roll your head in circles. It resets the nerves responsbile for this uncomfortable sensation.

Motion Sickness

Push on your inside wrist between the two tendons. It's a pressure point that fights nausea. It works just like those anti-motion sickness wristbands, but without the cost!

Teething Pain in Infants

Give the baby a spoon that's been in the freezer for several minutes. When they suck on it, the cold and the pressure reduces swelling and pain!

Sinus Pressure

Push your tongue against the roof of your mouth while pushing your finger between your eyebrows. That will push on something called the vomer bone, which loosens congestion and should clear you up after about 20 seconds.

Itchy Throat

If you've got an annoying itchy throat, you can fight it by scratching your ear. When the ear nerves are stimulated, it causes a muscle spasm in the throat that can eliminate itchiness.

Trouble Hearing in a Loud Room

Have the person speaking to you move near your right ear. The right ear is better at hearing rapid speech, whereas the left is better at picking up musical tones.

Have to Pee?

This is going to sound funny, but if you think of sex when nature calls, it will distract your brain from the pressing issue at hand, buying you both time and temporary comfort!


If you rub ice on the back of your hand between your thumb and index finger, it will actually reduce tooth pain. The nerves are connected, strangely enough, and it can kill the pain by up to 50%

Jitters and High Heart Rate

You can normalize a rapid heart rate from stress by actually blowing on your thumb like a trumpet. It sounds crazy, but if you do it without letting air out, you should be in good shape!


Sleeping on your left side helps combat heartburn more than your right side. It pushes the stomach below the esophagus, allowing gravity to keep your stomach acid down.

Cinnamon as a Remedy

Smelling cinnamon can actually improve memory and cognition. So if you're in a funk, try taking a whiff of it as a quick, safe fix.

Jennifer Grey

Hey there! I'm Jennifer, your go-to writer for all things parenting.

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